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Hardware : Various
Emulators : MAME (most of them)

Cool Riders
Dottori Kun
Ford Racing Full Blown
Gee Bee
KO Punch
Space Tactics
Stamp Club / Stamp Expressions
System 16 Jamma Adaptor
Tic Tac Quiz

Cool Riders
Hardware : H1 Super Scaler (more information needed)
Cool Riders
Cool Riders Cool Riders
Notes : The one and only game produced on Sega H1 System. This is a unique system that was developed to drive multiple monitors from the same board (2ea at Medium res and 4ea at Standard Res)
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Normal Flyer
Cabinets : Twin Cabinet - Twin Cabinet(US)

Dottori Kun
CPU : Z80 @ 4 MHz
Dottori Kun
Dottori Kun Dottori Kun
Info : Its a very small board, about 10cm x 10cm. This was produced to go in empty JAMMA cabinets as there was a strage Japanese law that said they were not allowed to be sold with no games in them, so they developed an ultra cheap game, and yes the date is correct ;)

Ford Racing Full Blown
Empire / Razorworks / Sega Europe - 2006
Hardware : PC Based
Ford Racing Full Blown Ford Racing Full Blown
Cabinets : Single

Gee Bee
Sega / Gremlin - 1979
CPU : 8080 @ 2.048 MHz
Sound Chip : Custom
Res : 256x256, max 16 colors
Gee Bee Gee Bee
Flyers : Normal Flyer - French Flyer
Cabinets : Upright - Upright2
Technical : Manual

KO Punch
CPU : 8080 @ 4 MHz
Res : 256x256.
KO Punch
Notes : This is a punching bag game, the screen is tiny and just shows you how hard you hit the punching bag.

Space Tactics
CPU : 8080 @ 1.93356 MHz
Res : 256x256, max 16 colors.
Space Tactics Space Tactics
Flyers : Normal Flyer - Alternate Flyer - German Flyer
Cabinets : Cabinet - Back - Control Panel
Technical : Manual

Stamp Club / Stamp Expressions
Data East / Sega - 1996
Hardware : PC Based
Stamp Club / Stamp Expressions
Flyers : Normal Flyer

System 16 Jamma Adaptor
No images available
Notes : The board only has traces to connect the System 16 main board (female) and a jamma board connection (male), as well as a 9 pin male input for the test, reset and volume control hookups box. It is an official sega piece of hardware with the following part; #S25-0003, SEGA ENTERPRISES, COPYRIGHT 1989, MADE IN USA.
The pins on the jamma section are also clearly marked on the board : TILT, AUDIO(GND), AUDIO+, COINLOCK1, COINLOCK2, -5V as well as a ground at the bottom of the board.
There also several inputs and outputs (branches on the traces).
System Pictures : PCB

Tic Tac Quiz
Sega / Gremlin - 1977
Hardware : 40-pin type CPU (unsure which) @ 9.448357 MHz
Sound Chip : Square wave sound outputs (possibly discrete)
Other Sound Hardware : Clarion 809 cassette player, the tape deck is a car stereo that plays in either direction and the unit has no rewind capability even though it is a reel-to-reel system.
No images available
Notes : The game play works by first player answering a question. If the answer is correct, player 1 chooses where to place their "X" or "O" via the 9-key input keys. If answer is incorrect, player 2 then gets to place either "X" or "O" on the screen. The next question then goes to player 2.
It alternates between the 2 players and the game also supports one player versus the computer.
Flyers : Normal Flyer

Sega / Vic Tokai - 1992
Witch Witch
CPU : 2x Z80 @ 8 MHz
Sound Chips : ES8712 ADPCM Chip @ 8 kHz, 2x YM2203 @ 1.5 MHz
Note : It's a [BET] style game, but it doesn't appear to be mahjong or poker themed.


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